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TTBC Minors Typhoons Recap
TTBC Minors Eagles Recap
TTBC Minors Legends Recap
Minors Stat Leaders

Minors Typhoons Just Miss against the Ho Man Tin Blue Jays

TTBC Typhoons 4 – 5 Ho Man Tin Blue Jays

[Coaches recap for the week]

The Typhoons will face the Angels after the Lunar New Year. For more information on the Typhoons schedule, see the Calendar page.

The Eagles Start off Stong but Take the Loss to the Astro Shadows

TTBC Eagles 11- 5 Astros Shadows

[Coaches recap for the week]

#27 Carango looking to bring the run in.

The Eagles have a long break after the Lunar New Year with a Bye. For information on the Eagles next game, see the Calendar page.

Minors Legends Roll Past the Ho Man Tin Cardinals

TTBC Legends 14- 0 Ho Man Tin Cardinals

[Coaches recap for the week]

The Legends will face the Astros Sonics after the Lunar New Year. For information on the Legends next game, see the Calendar page.

Minors Stat Leaders (Top 3)


Brady Fallon (Legends) 18
Luke Feller (Typhoons) 16
Natalie Wang (Typhoons) 14
Franklin Karnitz (Typhoons) 14
Henry Carango (Eagles) 14


Natalie Wang (Typhoons) 12
Franklin Karnitz (Typhoons) 12
Ryan Kingston (Legends) 12

Luke Feller (Typhoons) 11
Logan Yein (Legends) 11
Henry Carango (Typhoons) 11


Natalie Wang (Typhoons) 40
Levi Chua (Eagles) 37
Henry Caragngo (Typhoons) 31
Logan Yein (Legends) 31